by Dream7560 | Jan 30, 2013 | Balance, Beliefs, Breakthroughs, Change, Co-creation, Consciousness, Empowerment, Ideas, Living Miraculously, love, Meditation, Passion
I have a huge coffee mug…..actually, it is more like a bowl…. with the words “Good Morning Gorgeous” inscribed on it. I found it – or rather it found me – one day, while I was shopping. I was glancing at a display that held about 30 coffee cups of varying...
by Dream7560 | Oct 10, 2012 | Abundance, Balance, Beliefs, Breakthroughs, Change, Co-creation, Communication, Consciousness, Dependency, Energy, Gratitude, Ideas, Law of Attraction, Living Miraculously, Metaphysics, Miracles, New Thought, Relationships, Spirituality, Truth
One question……and I ask that you answer as honestly as possible: on a scale of 1-10, how grateful are you right now? It is a time of great challenges for many people – more than I can ever remember in my life. The list is long. Many people are losing their...
by Dream7560 | Jun 24, 2012 | Abundance, Balance, Beliefs, Co-creation, Consciousness, Empowerment, Gratitude, Ideas, intuition, Law of Attraction, Living Miraculously, Miracles, New Thought, Passion, Purpose, Reality, Relationships, Spirituality, Truth
Ever since the Secret made its movie debut back in 2006, there has been an onslaught of information and — in my opinion — misinformation about what the Law of Attraction is and isn’t and how we measure success. So how do we define “success?” I...
by Dream7560 | Aug 18, 2011 | Abundance, Balance, Beliefs, Change, Communication, Consciousness, Empowerment, Ideas, intuition, Law of Attraction, Living Miraculously, Manifestation, Metaphysics, Miracles, New Thought, Old Patterns, Purpose, Reality, Relationships, Shifting, Spirituality
“Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance and order and rhythm and harmony.” Thomas Merton. Summer seems to have flown by and now Labor Day is upon us. Labor Day is the unofficial end of summer and the beginning of the majestic season called...
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