Living Miraculously…. Got Gratitude? Open your heart!

One question……and I ask that you answer as honestly as possible: on a scale of 1-10, how grateful are you right now? It is a time of great challenges for many people – more than I can ever remember in my life. The list is long. Many people are losing their...

The Measure of Success, the Law of Attraction…..and Oprah?

Ever since the Secret made its movie debut back in 2006, there has been an onslaught of information and — in my opinion — misinformation about what the Law of Attraction is and isn’t and how we measure success. So how do we define “success?” I...

Living Miraculously-Bunnies and Easter and Matzos…..Oh My!

  Do you remember the game Telephone?  You would whisper a short sentence into someone’s ear, and they would then turn and whisper it to the person seated on their other side. By the time the message had passed through a dozen people it was so different from the...

Your Miraculously Divine Connection – Take It Out of Your Mind and Into the World

“May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that...

Dark Night of the Soul and A Miraculous Passage into Light

“In the real dark night of the soul it is always three o’ clock in the morning, day after day.” F. Scott Fitzgerald Here I am sitting at the computer and wondering what to write about. I’m feeling kind of sh**ty  today and thinking well now…. that’s not a very...

New Year’s Resolutions : “Miracles Abound in My life”

Well, here it is again. The New Year. We like “New” years don’t we? Especially if the old one..well… to put it nicely….sucked. Of course nothing can suck, unless we say so. My focus; you might even say  my story (we all have a “story” you know) for the past few years...