Its Never too Late to Have a Happy Childhood!

Its Never too Late to Have a Happy Childhood!

   Everyone wants to be a happy, fully functioning adult, optimistic with good self esteem, able to make wise choices and able to give and receive love. If you came from a family that was well adjusted, with parents who were loving, supportive and had good parental...

Living Miraculously: Soul mates & Karmic Connections

Let’s start with the Soul mate issue. When we hear the words “Soul Mate,” most people conjure up visions of that special someone specifically and miraculously molded and made for them and only them. Someone who understands us as no other person can. Like synchronized...

Living Miraculously- The Power of Women

An interesting fact that I just discovered was that statistically, women’s lives get better as they grow older Isn’t that wonderful? There are a number of reasons “why” but most importantly because of the remarkable psychological strength we...

Living Miraculously…. Got Gratitude? Open your heart!

One question……and I ask that you answer as honestly as possible: on a scale of 1-10, how grateful are you right now? It is a time of great challenges for many people – more than I can ever remember in my life. The list is long. Many people are losing their...

In This Miraculous World, Does God Exist? (And… an invitation to join in an Intention tonight)

Today is a solemn day. The events of September 11, 2001 will forever weigh heavily in our hearts and minds. And more often than not and whether we want to admit it or not, a devastating situation such as this raises this question: Does God exists? For those who were...