Living Miraculously: Are you Soul Mates or Cell Mates?”

Living Miraculously: Are you Soul Mates or Cell Mates?”

The dynamics of our relationships are extremely complex. But surprisingly, the clues to understanding the other person usually lie within ourselves.         Are you Soul Mates or Cell Mates? When we hear the words “Soul Mate,” most people conjure up visions of that...

Living Miraculously- The Power of Women

An interesting fact that I just discovered was that statistically, women’s lives get better as they grow older Isn’t that wonderful? There are a number of reasons “why” but most importantly because of the remarkable psychological strength we...

Living Miraculously…. Got Gratitude? Open your heart!

One question……and I ask that you answer as honestly as possible: on a scale of 1-10, how grateful are you right now? It is a time of great challenges for many people – more than I can ever remember in my life. The list is long. Many people are losing their...

The Measure of Success, the Law of Attraction…..and Oprah?

Ever since the Secret made its movie debut back in 2006, there has been an onslaught of information and — in my opinion — misinformation about what the Law of Attraction is and isn’t and how we measure success. So how do we define “success?” I...