by Michele Landers | Aug 6, 2017 | Balance, Beliefs, Breakthroughs, Ego, Energy, Ideas, Living Miraculously, Manifestation, Relationships, Spirituality
Numerology & Astrological Forecast for August 2017 So my friends…there is a lot going on in our celestial skies! I thought it would be a great idea to ask trained, expert Astrologer Maya White if she would like to contribute some of her wisdom about the...
by Michele Landers | Jun 9, 2017 | Beliefs, Breakthroughs, Change, Empowerment, Energy, Ideas, Living Miraculously, Miracles
I find it hard to believe that we are at the halfway mark of 2017. In reality though I’m always amazed at how time flies. And the older I get, the more I am convinced that time speeds up. Numerologically, I’m in a 7 personal Year. A 7 Personal year is deeply...
by Michele Landers | Nov 23, 2015 | Abundance, Beliefs, Breakthroughs, Change, Co-creation, Consciousness, Energy, Gratitude, Living Miraculously, love, Miracles, Relationships, Shifting, Spirituality
We are living in what appears to be very scary times and the result is that more people are experiencing feelings of distress and worry. Whether or not you watch the news, you would have to be living under a rock to not be aware of the fact that our world appears to...
by Michele Landers | Sep 2, 2015 | Living Miraculously, Manifestation, Metaphysics, Miracles, New Thought, Reality, Relationships, Spirituality, Truth
I have been a Numerologist or over 20 years and yet I don’t often talk about this fascinating subject in my blogs. So this month I’m going to pull back the curtain just a bit, to give you a glimpse of how the numbers work within this frame work of our...
by Michele Landers | Feb 14, 2015 | Beliefs, Breakthroughs, Change, Consciousness, intuition, Living Miraculously, love, Relationships, Serenity, Spirituality, Truth
If you had to create an image of February you would, most likely, conjure up visions of hearts and flowers, love and lovers. And although my first instinctive response was to naturally write about couples in relationship, something (spirit?) urged me to reach further...
by Michele Landers | Sep 7, 2014 | Abundance, Balance, Breakthroughs, Change, Co-creation, Communication, Consciousness, Empowerment, Gratitude, Ideas, Living Miraculously, love, Meditation, Miracles, Relationships, Spirituality
Everyone wants to be a happy, fully functioning adult, optimistic with good self esteem, able to make wise choices and able to give and receive love. If you came from a family that was well adjusted, with parents who were loving, supportive and had good parental...
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